Leveling the Playing Field
Is your business a growing or start up health service or health IT company?
We focus almost exclusively on helping companies like yours solve problems and succeed.
Are you trying to get to that next level?
We have supported client expansion by securing needed licenses, negotiating expansion contracts, making introductions to potential customers and more.
Has rapid growth left you vulnerable to compliance or legal risks?
We have identified and resolved legal and compliance risks that threatened company growth for growing multi-site companies. We also saved a company that was under threat of potentially fatal litigation until we entered the picture.
Do you want to better understand risks and opportunities in the Affordable Care Act and other recent federal laws?
We have identified opportunities and challenges regarding Medical Loss Ratio, Accountable Care Organization, Health Insurance Exchange and Electronic Health Record rules, among others for our clients.
Do you want to level the playing field in “big company” or government contract negotiations?
We have decades of experience in negotiating and drafting all types of contracts relevant to the health care industry, including with the nation’s largest health insurers. We also understand practical operational and financial complexities.
Are you concerned about protecting your intellectual property?
We advise clients regarding best strategies, which may include trade secret processes, or arranging trademark or other formal processes.
Are you simply trying to get started?
We can address formation options, initial start up issues and more. For example, we have helped establish a part time and interim health executive company and an integrated delivery system consulting company.
Do you need a part time or interim Legal or Compliance partner?
We have provided successful, tailored, fixed cost General Counsel and Compliance Director services to multiple small business clients. Our clients benefit from a level of experience comparable to that of much larger competitors—at a reasonable cost.
We can help you address all of these needs and more.